Johnson, Paul Lee. 2023. With Gladness and Singleness of Heart: A History of All Angels’ Church. New York, NY: All Angels’ Press.

Linn, Meredith, Nan A. Rothschild, and Diana di Zerega Wall. 2023. “Seneca Village Interpretations: Bringing Collaborative Historical Archaeology and Heritage Advocacy to the Forefront and Online.” In Advocacy and Archaeology: Urban Intersections, edited by Kelly M. Britt and Diane F. George, 68–97. New York, NY: Berghahn Books.

Linn, Meredith, Nan A. Rothschild, and Diana di Zerega Wall. In Press “Landscape, Self-Sufficiency, and Health in Seneca Village.” In Revealing Communities: The Archaeology of Free African Americans in the Nineteenth Century, edited by Meredith B. Linn. New York, NY: Bard Graduate Center.

Manevitz, Alexander. 2021. “’A Great Injustice’: Urban Capitalism and the Limits of Freedom in Nineteenth-Century New York City.” Journal of Urban History 48(6):1365–1382.

Miller, Sara Cedar. 2022. Before Central Park. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Rosenzweig, Roy and Elizabeth Blackmar. 1992. The Park and the People: A History of Central Park. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Wall, Diana diZerega, Nan A. Rothschild, and Cynthia Copeland. 2008. “Seneca Village and Little Africa: Two African American Communities in Antebellum New York City.” Historical Archaeology 42(1):97–107.

Wall, Diana diZerega, Nan A. Rothschild, Cynthia Copeland, and Herbert Seignoret. 2004. “The Seneca Village Project: Working with Modern Communities in Creating the Past.” In Places in Mind: Public Archaeology as Applied Anthropology, edited by Paul A. Shackel and Erve J. Chambers, 101–117. New York, NY: Routledge.

Wall, Diana diZerega, Nan A. Rothschild, and Meredith Linn. 2019. “Constructing Identity in Seneca Village.” In “O Brave New World": Archaeologies of Changing Identities, edited by Diane F. George and Bernice Kurchin, 157–80. Gainesville, FL. University Press of Florida.

Wall, Diana diZerega, Nan A. Rothschild, Meredith Linn, and Cynthia Copeland. 2018. Seneca Village, A Forgotten Community: Report on the 2011 Excavations. Institute for the Exploration of Seneca Village History. Archaeological Site Report submitted to the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission, the Central Park Conservancy, and the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. [PDF]

Online Resources

Central Park Conservancy. 2018. “Before the Park: The Story of Seneca Village.”

--. 2023. “Discover Seneca Village.” Outdoor exhibition with downloadable signs. Curated by Marie Warsh. Central Park Conservancy. [PDF]

New York City Archaeological Repository, The Nan A. Rothschild Research Center. 2020. “Seneca Village.” Webpage with artifact photos, profile drawings, and link to archaeological site report.

--. 2020. “Seneca Village Unearthed.” Digital exhibition of artifacts from Seneca Village by curator, Jessica Striebel MacLean. New York City Archaeological Repository, The Nan A. Rothschild Research Center.

New-York Historical Society Education Department. 2010. Seneca Village: A Teacher’s Guide to Using Primary Sources in the Classroom. Second Edition. New-York Historical Society. [PDF]